something new...
Tunnel Under Margit Bridge
Trash in cracks
camouflaged by spray-painted
walls, the scent of excrement
evidence the homeless
had dinner...
emergence into twinkling lights
the cleansing air of car exhaust and river
winds chapping past my cheeks
the majesty of the bridges...
the lights reflecting off the
and the remaining remnants of rose
sink beneath the palace hill...
a few more refurbished remnants of old...
instant of insanity
gravity of need
hopeful to infinity
pity on its knees
gravely walking behind
hidden blindfolds,
the scent of something
blocking cresting waves
the spray of water
the coolness of salt remains
stinging in open wound
in need...
the language that tires
the language that inspires
what is daily life
what needs arise within
kicking demands into
the fluid of the womb--
reality outside the
boundaries of perception
what madness fools
minds and rules
masses to false
duels to death
for recorded dreams
seen through drunken goggles
muddy river rinsing out death
spittle on glass to see again